
This Pri*****isty.com website is around 1.5 years plus old. This site is in the Printing Niche.

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Identity verified
Domain verified
Affiliate verified
Revenue verified


Monthly Income


Visitors Per Month


Income Multiple


Domain Authority


Articles Posted


Business Created


Seller Information


I’m Nafia, an SEO expert, and have an experience of 4 years. I ranked many affiliate websites and flipped almost 15+ ranked sites. On this Printartisty website, I published human-written articles. I did quality off-page and got links from quality relevant websites.

Business Summary

This Pri*****isty.com website is around 1.5 years plus old. This site making avg $208 last 6 months.

The site is ranking for 4.1k  keywords, with some good buyer intent keywords.
The Main Traffic Source is Google.
100% of organic traffic comes from the USA.
All content Human Written.


Included Assets

These assets are included.

Primary Domain
Website Content
Email, Pinterest, and Facebook Page

Google Analytics

Proof of Income

Semrush Data

You can see the screenshot we have taken from SEMRush that shows the data from the site. Some things to note are:

  Rankings for 4.1k keywords.

  Ranking for 320+ keywords on the first page.

  Authority score of 19.

  100% of organic traffic comes from the USA.

  3.3k keywords ranking on USA

Semrush Data

Semrush Single Image

Payment Structure

We Require Full Payment Via Website (Non-Refundable)

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